Couple in love with the dreamy landscapes of Wayanad

Every time I travel with my partner, I fall in love all over again……. Rediscovering, reminiscing and rejuvenating are the three main aspects to maintain a steady state of happiness in one’s self, those who understand this, understand the importance of traveling and long term effect it has on the human mind. Wayanad – an […]

Celebration of a beautiful anniversary through the beaches of Pondicherry

If traveling is your hobby, you will never be bored! Constant rejuvenation is the key to a happy life, rejuvenation can be synonymous with rediscovering one’s self, traveling is the most effective and proven method to achieve the same. In the latest of the testimonial series we bring you Viswamitra and Vishal’s journey to the […]

Exploring the Heart of India!

Summer is here! That crazy time of the year when there is bright sunshine kissing all over you. This season we bring you few of most amazing and legendary places for you to chill your brains out. This hot season we explore some great places to travel and make the best of your time. “It […]

5 Ways to Quench your Travel thirst this Summer

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain  Traveling is a hobby for few while it is a type of meditation for others.  Many of our travelers say it is a way of finding one’s long-lost self. well, […]
