Those long bus journeys and longer flight schedules can jam your body and leave you in a state of discomfort and prevent you from enjoying the upcoming vacation. We suggest you plan in advance to avoid these hiccups. These are simple tips but we assure you they’ll surely help you before long hauls. Here are a few simple tips and tricks to adhere to on your next trip:
1. Hydrate!
Irrespective of the mode of transportation, make sure you’re always adequately hydrated that helps in keeping the body fresh. Dehydration is the main cause for travellers to feel lethargic after a long journey so make sure you’re drinking enough and stay fresh! Do this in regular intervals to avoid visiting the toilet in a rush. Make sure you reach out to bottled water or treated water to avoid falling ill. This usually happens because the pathogens in the water might not suit your immune system.
2. Eye Drops
While most people don’t believe in eye drops, we vouch for them. With long hours, uncomfortable sleep postures and change in atmosphere, our eyes are subjected to great stress which leaves them dry. Use drops that will help in lubrication and avoid those tired eyes. Another idea would be to ditch the contact lenses and opt for your spectacles during the course of the journey.
3. Caffeine
In many cases, travellers turn to alcohol, tea and coffee to pass time or stay awake. We suggest otherwise as they tend to leave you dehydrated or disturb your sleep cycle. We go back to our first point – drink water instead. Even if you choose to consume caffeine, keep the quantity limited and follow it up with water after an hour.
4. Ear blocks
Subjected to those travelling by aeroplanes. Changes in air pressure often lead to a ‘pop’ which can cause intense pain, headaches and discomfort. To avoid this, chew gum constantly while taking off and landing or such onto something sweet. This helps in relieving the discomfort and helps to stabilize the pressure in the ear canals. Say bye-bye to those irritating ear pain and sleep in peace.
5. Neck Pillow
Over the years, we’ve begun to realise that the snug pillow that you see travellers flaunting in airports are the best. No matter the mode of transport – train, bus or flight, these cosy neck pillows can rescue your necks and sleeping eyes anywhere. Train got delayed? Waiting at the bus station? Simply remove the neck pillow and catch a quick nap and you’ll thank us!
6. Exercise!
What most people mistaken as uncomfortable chairs at stations and airports don’t realise that they’re designed in a way to avoid travellers getting too comfortable on them so that you don’t end up missing your flight or train. Either way the point is to walk as much as you can while waiting for your transport or simply window shop. If you don’t prefer walking then simply do a few simple stretches in regular intervals to avoid your body getting too jammed on a long flight.