
Kashmir, also referred to as “Paradise on Earth,” is a mesmerizing region in northern India known for its unparalleled natural beauty. Srinagar, the summer capital, captivates with its serene Dal Lake and Mughal Gardens. Pahalgam and Gulmarg offer breathtaking landscapes, with opportunities for adventure and exploration, including the famous Gulmarg Gandola ride. Further, the pristine meadows of Sonamarg, blanketed in snow, complete a journey through some of the most scenic spots in the Himalayas.

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Kashmir, also referred to as “Paradise on Earth,” is a mesmerizing region in northern India known for its unparalleled natural beauty. Srinagar, the summer capital, captivates with its serene Dal Lake and Mughal Gardens. Pahalgam and Gulmarg offer breathtaking landscapes, with opportunities for adventure and exploration, including the famous Gulmarg Gandola ride. Further, the pristine meadows of Sonamarg, blanketed in snow, complete a journey through some of the most scenic spots in the Himalayas.

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